Delicious, all natural, unprocessed, zero preservatives, protein rich, meal replacement bars

Scientifically developed meal replacement bars with balanced nutrition and taste

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Who we are

We produce completely natural meal-replacement bars whose ingredients are sustainably sourced from Indian farmers. We are a team of professionals with background in Canteen management, Food Technology, New product development, Business Management, Biotechnology and Company Law. We have devoted years in developing this product along with mentorship and technology support from a national level food technology institute of Govt. of India. Your good health and well-being is the top priority for us.


Malnutrition is a huge problem in India. General population do not usually take a balanced diet with full spectrum of nutrients. Several diseases increase burden on the Government due to nutrient deficient diets, even in urban population. Modern lifestyle increases the possibility of missing a balanced meal.


Meal replacement bar made with natural, preservative free, super-foods like Spirulina, Chlorella, Chia, Dates, Coconut etc. Nutritional Balance, Quality, Production done in a certified facility. Most ingredients sustainably sourced from farmers.No Soy, Non GMO, No Gluten, No artificial preservatives, Good source of natural fibres, Boosts immunity and general well-being.


Check out our protein meal replacement bars


PROTEIN 10G & 4G FIBER-Rich Chocolate Flavour (LAUNCHING SOON)


PROTEIN 20G & 5G FIBER-Rich Chocolate Flavour (LAUNCHING SOON)


PROTEIN 25 G & 5G FIBER-Rich Chocolate Flavour (LAUNCHING SOON)


Team of experienced professionals

Dr. Saket Chattopadhyay

PhD in Molecular Biology

Mr. Ashish Gupta

LLB Delhi University

Mr. Ranjay C

M.S. Food Technology

Manika Chattopadhyay

M.Sc. Physics

Contact Us

For orders and suggestions


29C, Anubhav Apartments
Rohini, Sector 13, Delhi 110085



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